Herbalism and Nutrition Now Through Well-Prepared Woman
I’m not anti-Western medicine. I’m anti-all women go down the same path of failing health to be determined by whoever is in the office today. I’m anti-that happens to lots of women; it’s normal. I’m anti-just take this pill. I’m…
How To Become The Ultimate Party Planner [Printable Planner]
Are you SO ready to party this season?! Whether it’s a holiday party, seasonal potluck, birthdays, anniversaries, and so on, The Ultimate Party Planner for the Well-Prepared Woman printable planner will help women throughout the year keep all the important…
Winter Car Kit-23 Simple Items You Really Need [2022]
Chilly Willy Man! It’s time to prepare our winter survival kits including a Winter Car Kit. What should you pack in your winter car kit? See our helpful list below. The low temps here in Nebraska have been in the…
How do you store food like a prepper? 4 Easy Methods & Free Printables for Shopping
Food storage is one of our favorite topics! Personally, as a foodie, it just makes sense. I want to know we have good, comforting food when we need it most. Plus, food is one of the Rules of 3’s of…
5 Levels of Emergency to Weigh In Your Emergency Preparedness Plan
We highlighted 5 levels of emergency in Less Overwhelm for Beginner Preppers. Let’s dive a little deeper. You’ve likely come across the next lesson in movies or in your research: Emergencies come on different levels. The movies are naturally about…
Creative Ideas to Grow Your Own Food And Promising Benefits
Growing my own food has never really been a question for me. When I was little my grandma grew a HUGE garden, like rows and rows of vegetables. She lived on a farm and her garden could make up my…
Rules of 3- 5 Ways to Empower Your Family Pull Through and Stay Alive!
Planning your preparations using the Rules of 3 is a great place to start ladies! We mentioned in a previous post how a new prepper can easily get overwhelmed. Trying to learn and gather and do everything at once won’t…
Less Overwhelm for Beginner Preppers
Maybe you just typed in “Prepping for Beginners” and realized the idea or practice of prepping can seem very overwhelming! A friend of ours encouraged us to begin prepping years ago, and while the idea seemed obviously smart, there was…