43 Natural Remedies and Methods for Easily Prepping Feminine Hygiene Now
After flipping through five survival and prepper guides and a history book on Pioneer Women, I’d found no help or advice on prepping feminine hygiene. There is plenty of info on the internet, but even some of the most popular survivalists and preppers have comments like “I won’t go into these”. In fact, a new Reddit board was created after women felt their posts were being taken down for discussing female concerns. Prepping feminine hygiene can be fairly practical, stocking up and packing. It just needs to be brought to our attention and included on our shopping and packing lists.

But I wanted to take the prepping feminine hygiene a little further to include reusable products that of course, won’t run out, and a list of natural remedies to help prepare for everyday female concerns. For the latter, I returned to my herbal books where I did find entire sections on gynecological complications in The Complete Medicinal Herbal by Ody and New Choices in Natural Healing for Women by Prevention Magazine to help relieve the symptoms with the natural remedies listed below.
I also found instructions on delivering a baby but we’ll save that for a YouTube episode. However, I suggest that pregnant mothers have their hospital bag ready up to two months early (each of my 3 babies was 6-9 weeks early) and a delivery kit on hand. That will need its own post.
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Prepping Feminine Hygiene Kits

Whether you purchase a premade kit or make your own, it’s wise to have a checklist of items that you can pack, and just know you have this task in prepping covered.
Premade Kits
If you want something quick, compact, or a small quantity because you’re not currently bleeding (mothers, grandmothers, gift-givers), you can purchase a cute little kit like this from femPAQ or a cute starter kit for your daughter, or an all-inclusive mini-emergency kit. Full disclosure: I have never purchased a premade kit, but I wanted you to know they are out there and I would choose any one of these if I felt the need.
Make your own
I’m definitely a DIY-er and have two daughters so I am already purchasing supplies. I especially appreciate that we can choose the brands of products when prepping feminine hygiene kits ourselves. I’ve been testing out the Honey Pot brand. I like it because of the mint sensation. My daughter, not so much. I also include small vials of essential oils and teas with the herbs listed below, a hot pad, and a period tracker or diary.

Start with 1-3 months’ extra supply for all levels of emergencies
In your home-Bug In
When you’re creating your 1-3 months’ worth of preps include 1-3 months’ worth of feminine hygiene supplies. Include everything you might need (healthy food and probiotics, mild cleansing, gentle grooming, menstruation, protection, pregnancy tests, comforts for pregnancy, lubrication, vitamins, or supplements, mental/emotional health, and spiritual rituals)
In your daily bag
Most of us carry at least one or two necessary items in our purses or backpack. Carrying 72 hours’ worth of supplies may be tricky but if you combined your bag, vehicle, and workplace with some of the alternative methods listed below, you might not feel like you’re carrying your whole supply around town. The main frame of mind is that if you found yourself trapped or delayed from getting home while on your period, pregnant, suffering hot flashes, etc., for a considerable amount of time, what would you need?
In your vehicles
Similar to the above, what items could you pack in your vehicle to ease any discomfort or anxiety of being away from home and still being able to take care of your feminine needs? You can stash it in a makeup bag and toss it in with the rest of your emergency kit and be on your way.
In your workplace
When prepping feminine hygiene for work, whether it be at your desk or in your locker, again, try to pack at least 72 hours’ worth of supplies just in case you get stuck during bad weather or a political crisis.
In your BOBs
This is where I believe alternative menstruation methods would really come in handy because anything you can wash and reuse will save space in your Bug Out Bag. As a heavy bleeder myself, this is a game changer for me.
Guests that unexpectedly need help
Having a few things on hand for guests that unexpectedly need help is always nice too. Tuck it away in a bathroom cabinet and then if a gal is visiting or gets stuck at your house due to weather, she won’t have to worry.
Reusable options for prepping feminine hygiene
The average woman will use between 5 and 15 thousand pads and tampons in her 40 years of menstruation. Most of these products not only have plastic packaging, but also plastic inside and around the product. All that plastic has to go somewhere. Reusable options can lower your carbon footprint. Additionally, once sourced, reusable options are one less supply you have to worry about running out.
Cloth pads, vinegar, wet bags
Cloth pads now come in a variety of absorbable fabrics. It’s been a while since I’ve used them. I struggled with the pads snapping around my underwear and moving since they did not adhere to the fabric. I purchased them at the same shop I was getting cloth diaper covers so maybe I just needed to try a couple of other brands. They last a long time and are eco-friendly, easy to clean, pack, and come in various cute designs.

Menstrual cups and discs
Menstrual cups have been my latest adventure in prepping feminine hygiene. I have tried the menstrual disc but panicked when I struggled to remove it. I’m not saying I’m completely out on the idea. It worked perfectly well while I was using it so I probably need to get past the learning curve. Which is what I did manage with the menstrual cup. I’m currently using the Flex Cup and my only concern is that maybe I could go up a size since my periods are heavier.
Natural sponges, string, and hydrogen peroxide
Women have been using natural sponges for their menstruation for quite a while. It was included with options like rags and wool. However, unless the sponges are properly cleaned, they can lead to bacterial infection. Again, I’ve personally never tried using a sponge but wanted to let you know it’s an option. Some women tie a string around it, others simply bear down like when you poop and pull it free with their fingers. Forewarning, it will be messy. I’ve read that hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean it (we used hydrogen peroxide to clean the blood off our uniforms at the vet). It seems to me like it would be hard to gauge how long you could wear the sponge, and how much it would absorb. There are also synthetic versions to try.

Period Panties or Free Bleeding
Some women see period panties as free bleeding. Others do not. I don’t think it matters as much as you pick what you’re comfortable with. I’ve researched period panties but had not heard the phrase “free bleeding” until last week while chatting with a group of moms. Just when I think I’ve heard of all things natural, another one sneaks up on me. But that’s ok. It makes life interesting. It’s also not surprising how much menstruation is still stigmatized. Hence this article.
Just like each of our methods above, there are a variety of options for period panties. They are made with various layers for whisking, absorption, odor, and a barrier to prevent leaks. You can also now purchase leggings and shorts specially designed for free bleeding that is similar to period panties.
Also, include
Besides your chosen methods for menstruation, you should also include:
- Disposable wipes
- Removable waste bags for smell and attracting animals, etc.
- Norwex clothes (I prefer these to disposable wipes)
- Natural remedies for the discomforts that come along with menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause
Natural Remedies for Easily Prepping Feminine Hygiene
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I have tried many of the remedies below and have had great success. I’ve listed others from the same books I’ve trusted for years and will look into further once I reach the age and stage of menopause. Use this as a guide post. Do your own research as well and confirm with your doctor, midwife, or naturopath. Reactions to herbs can vary. Research dosage, side effects, and prescription interactions. Test in small quantities.
I get many of my herbs and oils locally at family-owned No Name Nutrition, https://www.nonamenutrition.com/, and grow them in my backyard garden (some even as “weeds”). Look for herbs and oils that are grown/obtained organically, sustainably, clear of roads and pesticides or herbicides, and labeled with the scientific name. I cross-reference plants foraged with books, apps, and the extension office in my area. Unless specified, the herbs below can be taken as tinctures, teas, decoctions, or in a compress. Most oils, tinctures, and dried herbs can be kept for up to a year if you store them properly so you can make them for the present and stock up for future emergencies.

Natural headache remedies
- Peppermint oil
- Lavender oil or tincture
- Feverfew for migraines and chronic headaches
Cramp remedies and bloating
- Avoid them during pregnancy as they are antispasmodics meant to relax or stimulate the uterus
- Dried pasque flower aerial in tincture or infusion, anemone pulsatilla ,
- Dang gui root decoction, angelica sinensis,
- Black cohash, cimicifuga racemosa, not to be confused with or substituted with Blue cohosh rhyzome, caulophyllum thalictroides, which has a nicotine-like effect and can cause changes in blood pressure
- Black haw root bark tincture, viburnum prunifolium
- Raspberry leaf, rubus idaeus
- Motherwort, leonurus cardiaca
PMS and mood remedies
- Lady’s mantle aerial tincture, alchemilla vulgaris,
- Evening primrose seed oil in capsules, oeothera biennis,
- Bai shao yao/white peony root decoction, paeonia lactiflora, (avoid if symptoms include diarrhea and/or stomach chills)
- Chaste-Tree berry tincture, vitex agnus-castus
Remedies for heavy menstruation
- Ai ye/mugwort aerial infusion or tincture, artemisia vulgaris var. Indicus
- Pot marigold petals in infusion or tincture, calendula officinalis
- Shepherd’s purse aerial in infusion or tincture, capsella bursa-pastoris
- White deadnettle flowering top in infusion or tincture, lamium album
- Lady’s mantle again
- Cramp bar, viburnum opulus
- Chaste-tree berries in tincture or powdered, vitex agnus-castus
Menopause remedies
- False unicorn root rhizome in tincture, chamaclirium luteum
- Motherwort aerials in infusion or tincture, leonurus cardiaca
- He shou wu (Chinese knotweed) tuber in decoction with cinnamon, polygonum multiflorum (avoid with diarrhea)
- Chaste-tree berries in tincture or powdered, vitex agnus-castus
- Black cohash, cimicifuga racemosa for hot flashes
- Chickweed, stellaria media for hot flashes
- Elderflower, sambucus canadensis, for hot flashes or night sweats
- Violet, viola odorata, can also cool hot flashes
- Combine chickweed, dandelion root, motherwort, and valerian, valeriana officinalis, into a tincture for a calming herb blend when hot flashes combined with irritability
Yeast infection
- Pot marigold petals in infusion douche or apply cream or infused oil as a lotion, calendula officianalis
- Tea tree oil, diluted with a carrier oil on a tampon, in suppositories or cream, melaleuca alternifolia. Jane Buckle RN, Ph.D. describes the method here.
Vaginal itching
- Damask rose oil in cream, rosa damascena
- Vervain aerials in infusion or tincture, verbena officinalis
Yoni Steaming
- Another topic I just learned about so I welcome your feedback in the comments below
- Not for women that are pregnant, menstruating, using an IUD, or currently experiencing a yeast infection

Pack It All Up
Prepping feminine hygiene is hopefully coming up in more survival guides, especially as women author prepper and survival guides more in the future. Like The Survival Mom who writes about the Diva Cup and includes feminine hygiene in her general hygiene packing list. And women who post in forums like TwoXPreppers that suggest having multiple options available in case you need backup options too. After reviewing all the options above, pick those you are most comfortable with and practice using them if the products are new to you. Prepping feminine hygiene will leave you feeling much more confident when SHTF or a visitor finds herself without it.